FEROFORM T Grade is a self lubricating bearing incorporating PTFE (Teflon) particles throughout the matrix of the material.
A maintenance present on the entire ID surface.
FEROFORM T Grade has static and independently tested under wet and dry conditions, yielding a coefficient of friction in the range
of 0.04-0.10 depending on the conditions. Plugged bronze type bearings typically have a friction in the range of 0.20-0.30 or higher.
FEROFORM T Grade has static and dynamic friction values that have been shown to be almost identical in independent tests. The
'stick slip' or 'breakawayt force' required to rotate the shaft in the bearing is therefore significantly lower.
As the bearings are completely self lubricating there is on danger of the high pressure liad tranformation sector being unlubricated there is no danger of the high pressure load
transformation sector being unlubricated, as can occur in lubricated bearing systems where the injected grease often finds its way to the low pressure side.AS lubricating particles
in FEROFORM T Grade are incorporated thoughout the material matrix and alway present on the entrire running surface, there ia on requirement (as with plugged bearings) to smear the
lubrication ovet the full surface through running the bearing.
FEROFORM T Grade has been tested independently by the Powertech Labs in Vancouver under wet, dry. edge loaded and abrasive conditions . The material characteristics, friction
values and wear rates were identical under each condition (including the addition of abrasive particles). The shaft condition after each of the tests was considwred 'polished' even when abrasive particles were added.

FEROFORM T Grade has a recimmended maximum application load of~60 N/mm2 (which includes a safety factor of 4). Typical radial gate desing incorporates a bearing pressure of 20-30 N/mm2.
Many redial gate bearins have a diameter to length ratio greater than l:l.25 due to the angle of the gate arms and the loads.With longer shafts there is a increase risk of edge load effects from
shaft deflection due to load or load or gate movement. With metal bearings the localised high loads due to edge loading may accelerate wear. Due to the resilience and elasticity of FEROFORM T Grade
the material will conform to accommodate the shaft deflection ,increasing the loaded area, reducing the bearing pressure and extending the bearing life ( FEROFORM T Grade bearings were tested under edge loaded conditions by Powertech Labs. lnc., BC, Canada).
FEROFORM T Grade is a pure composite bearing consisting of synthetic fibres reinforced with a phenolic resin system originally developed at the beginning of the 20th century. In conjunction with a solid stain steel or plated shaft,the system in corrosion resistant to all but high acid or alkali solutions.
FEROFORM T Grade bearings are typically with an interference fit and can be super cooled (with liquid nitrogen or dry ice) prior to installation.
FEROFORM has a density of ~1.3g/cm3 is one fifth the weight of bronze. TENMAT can supply both finish machined bearings ready to fit or standard tubes of material oversize on the OD and ID which can be machined
locally to the required dimensions.
For Bronze bearings the shaft hardness must be at least 100HB higher than the hardness rating of the bronze. For FEROFORM T Grade, TENMAT recommend
a minimum shaft hardness of 200HB and a 0.8 um R better.