Improved Lubricating Properties by Preventing Skewing
   Since the rollers circulate while uniformly aligned due to the caged roller, skewing is prevented when entering the load region of the block. Variations in rolling resistance have also been reduced allowing for stable and smooth movement.
Long-Term,Maintenance-Free Operation
   The use of a caged roller eliminates friction between rollers and enables lubricating oil to be retained in the grease pockets between adjacent rollers. Since the required amount of lubricating oil is supplied to the curved contact surfaces of the spacers and rollers, long-term, maintenance-free opration is realized.
Ultra-High Rigidity
   Rollers having a low degree of elastic deformation are used for the rolling elements,and the roller diameter and roller length have been optimized to realiza extremely high rigidity. In addition, each row of rollers is arranged at a 450contact angle so that the same rated load is applied in all directions (radial reverse redial and lateral directions).