A cured polyester resin matrix reinforced with a woven synthetic fibre cloth,
A general purpose grade that can be used in application where grease is required and in low load bearings thet run without lubrication.

AS PR14 but with graphite evenly dispersed throughout the resin matrix. A cost
effective material with high load, low friction properties that make this product ]
ideal for many marine equioment applications.
The bearings can be used without the need for greasing, but if required will not effect
the properties of the bearing.
As PR14 but with molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) evenly dispersed throughout the resin matrix.
A high performance material with excellent dry running performance.
High load and low friction bearing properties, coupled with excellent wear performance make this ideal for
larger marine equipment where greater working pressures and shock loads can be expected.
Can be used with or without lubricants.
As PR14 but with PTFE (Teflon) evenly dispersed thoughout the resin matrix. A superb,
high performance material with excellent lifetime properties.
Has the lowest COF of all the range that makes it suitable for the most aggressive of environments where smooth
running of the shaft must be maintained and stick slip avoided. Ideal for applications where the bearings only
operate periodically.
Estended wear life can be expected because of the transfer of PTFE from the surface of the bearing onto the shaft,
reducing COF even futher.
Can be used with or without lubricants.