TENMET advanced composites have set the standards of wear resistance,
versatility and reliability in marine bearing desing, The result in the
FEROFORM range of high performance marine bearings which are able to offer
the Shipowner,Operator,Shipyard and Naval Architect a number of substantial
cost saving benefits such as:
- Reduced operating costs
- Reduced bearing length
- Improved raliability
- Reduced maintanance
- Higher performance

With a predicted life expectancy many that of conventional materrials,FEROFORM
marine bearings are offering positive economic advantages to the operators of all
sizes and classes of sea-going and inland waterway vessels, from ULCC's,
VLCC's cargo and passenger vessels, tugs and other commercial craft to naval
warships and submarines, fast patrol boats and marine police vessels.
With their excellent abrasion resistance, resilience and elasticity, FEROFORM
bearings perform well in arduous conditions which cause other meterials to fail,
particularly at slow shaft speeds or in abrasive and sand laben waters. The improved life and reliability could increase substantially the time between
dockings for bearing renewal. For stern tube applications,FEROFORM bearings ensure higher performance
across a number of parameters. Their wear resistance, toughness and lower swell
characteristics of FEROFORM grades can allow lower power requirements and hence
improved fuel consumption Stick-slip in minimised resulting in lower noise and
vibration levels.
FEROFORM bearings are compatible with a wide variety of counterfaces including
stainless steel, gunmetal and nickel aliminium bronze. The materials are
capable of operating with sea water lubrication, oil lubrications, with grease
or, indeed, by self-lubrication requiring no maintanance, With a high strength-to-weight
ratio ( approximatelety 1/5 to 1/6 the weight of metal bearings), FEROFORM bearings are
easier to handle and machine than most competitive meterials.
Further advantages can be gained from using FEROFORM bearings with the oil lubrication systems
treditionally employed for white metal prepeller shaft bearings. Should the lubrication system fail
in anu way, such as through stern seal leakage, FEROFORM bearings will continue operating with sea
water lubrication, thus avoiding crippling breakdowns.
Whichever lubrication method is used, FEROFORM bearings are capable of operating with shorter lengths than normally required by the
Societies' Rules and by comparison with competitive materials.